Disciplemaking Discipleship
A Few Resources
In order to impact 80+ million people, the people of God must all be invested in a culture of Disciplemaking Discipleship. It is the great commission we have been given! It is the true engine of multiplication!
A true culture of Disciplemaking Discipleship has three essential elements -
1. A shared definition of a disciple - we would encourage you to consider the definition of a disciple as understood by those in Jesus' day. A disciple is one called by Jesus (1 Cor.1:9), into a loving relationship with Jesus (Matthew 22:37), for the purpose of becoming like Jesus (Romans 8:29), while living on mission with Jesus (2 Cor. 5:18-20). Check out the first video, from one of our Basics training events, for a little further insight into this definition.
2. Shared expected outcomes from the definition of making disciples who make disciples
3. Shared process of making disciples who make disciples