Mobilized Ministries
a few resources
Mobilized ministries are an essential part of the culture we are seeking to build with all who want to share in the divine mandate to impact 80+ million people with the love and truth of Jesus Christ. Here are a few resources to get you started. We would also encourage you to connect directly with mobilized ministry specialists in your geographical area for further resources and help. At the heart of a mobilized ministry is 7 practices, Here are a few resources focused on those 7 practices:
The 7 Practices of a Mobilized Ministry
A mobilized ministry is a community of believers that regularly and intentionally seek the transformation of one another and throughout their Acts1:8 environments.
Divine expectation and engagement
The daily anticipation that God is working in us, around us, and through us, and He has invited us to be part of what He is doing.
Healthy interdependent plurality of leadership
A plurality of healthy leaders, who function freely in their God created uniqueness, with complete trust in each other.
Balanced ministry
Purposeful, equal focus and investment are given to the areas of engaging the lost, disciple-making discipleship, equipping for impact and transformational body life.
Directional clarity, ownership, and engagement
Throughout the body there is a collective identity and shared direction that people own and invest in.
Intentional and consistent reproduction of disciple-making disciples, leaders, Kingdom presence, and church planting.
Clarity and fruitful engagement of Acts 1:8 environments
A sense of divinely given responsibility which leads to regular and intentional movement towards a local congregation’s unique Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the ends of the earth.
Kingdom collaboration
Locking arms with like-minded Kingdom ministries for greater impact.
We have a 7 Practices survey that your ministry could take in order to assess how it is doing in each of these areas. Contact us to gain access to that survey.

An intro to Mobilized Ministries