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Internship Opportunities

Providence Church 
Omaha, Nebraska

  1. Opportunities and exposure the internship provides (i.e. – church planting, refugee, preaching, outreach

 The purpose of the Providence Church Residency Program is direct development in a particular ministry calling. The program exists to help people with a specific ministry calling to be developed in one of three tracks: pastoral ministry, church planting, or global missions. Throughout the Residency Program, the residents will be developed in Bible, spiritual formation, and leadership. The hope is to see each resident equipped and developed for the ministry calling God has for him/her.


    2.  What is provided during the internship – (i.e. stipend, housing, meals)

A resident’s salary includes a stipend from Providence Church and the remaining amount to be raised by the resident. Providence will provide a stipend of $2,000 per month. The amount raised by the resident will be discussed and approved by the Providence Elder Team before the resident officially agrees to the program.

   3.  Proposed length – The Residency Program for each resident is a two-year commitment. Year One and Year Two will consist of his/her own specific developmental areas for the resident.

Contact information –

Andrew Rutten                                                                                                                                            Posted 5/2/2022

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